- This week I agreed to trade offices. I actually get a window now but after seven years in mine, there is some serious moving to do. It is amazing how much you acquire after all that time.
- Of course, I decide to do this right before term is about to start. What was I thinking?
- I am planning a return trip to China for the spring next year. This time I may be able to bring Heather for at least for a week or two. This is dependent on parent willingness to engage in child care. Let's see how generous they will be. Heather is hopeful as she has never been off continent.
- Then again she has not done the 24 hours of travel or have had to put up with complete altering her night and day. Then again with our children provide great jet lag training.
- Yesterday, I spent the day getting classes ready for the fall. It seems to be coming up right quick.
- Speaking of travel, I looked at my fall schedule this year and in a quirk, I have never seen before my last class of the semester is actually right before U.S. Thanksgiving. My last exam come in December 7th. Term doesn't start again until January 8th. So, I think we can carve out some time to head back to Canada this Christmas.

Also thanks to Hilary for hosting Four Fill Ins. This week’s statements:

2) I love to fall asleep when I am watching sports on TV.
3) My dream pet would be a owl named Hedwick. - Seriously, I would not want a pet per se. Well maybe a fish tank but I don't really classify those in the same way.
4) I love rocking the Casbah more than chocolate. (Or ice cream!!)
The summer has zinged by, hasn't it? I can't believe schools are fixing to start up again. In fact, some systems here in the states have already begun classes.
ReplyDeleteI miss my share of texts, too, and often times they are from DH. He will immediately iMessage me asking where is my phone. lol I enjoy sleeping sometimes when DH watches football, but these days, I'm usually rooting for my team and there's no time for sleep. An owl for a pet...now, that's kinda interesting, but it would have to stay outdoors...in a barn...or else it will keep me awake. I hear an owl in our backyard sometimes. I love the sounds it makes. Really, you love rocking the Casbah more than chocolate? lol
It's great to visit you this Friday. I am still trying to get my blogging groove into full swing since my surgery. Have a fabulous weekend! BTW, the 4M crew has missed seeing you on the dance floor!
Borrowed laughs
Your parents are still thinking!
ReplyDeleteI found the adjustment to time easier going to China than coming home. Took me two days that way and almost a week coming back. Guess I'm not as young as I thought I was.
ReplyDeleteWow, blog revamp! Very nice. I hope Heather can travel with you to China. It would be great for you guys to get away just together.
ReplyDeleteLiking the lighter blog! And rocking the cashbar (hehehe) is always a fun thing to do!
ReplyDeleteThis is the first year in a long time that I do not have a child who is a college student! All four are out and graduated for their respective colleges. And it's kind of weird. I bet it'll be nice to have a window! The windows in my computer lab look into the media center and the hallway. I so miss daylight.
ReplyDeleteMy college office is in the basement, no windows. Good for tornadoes and nuclear fallout, not much else.
ReplyDeleteBe sure to clear the clutter and throw stuff out!
Rock the Casbah is great but I am more of a "Come On, Eileen" girl.
ReplyDeleteGood luck with the new office and the trip to the China -- children are the best Jet Lag training.
Happy Friday!
I wish I didn't look at my phone that often - I have to stop being so phone obsessed!