It has been awhile since I did the Friday meme's.
- Just finished teaching MBA class yesterday. It was the first time teaching the class and I had them four days a week for three and a half hours a day. Trying to juggle that with end of regular term, family needs and starting summer research projects (of which I currently have seven) - life is going 100 miles an hour.
- On a related note: by the time you get to read my fragments next week, I will be on a plane to China. More on that next week.
- Yesterday was Heather ( and I 15th anniversary. We celebrated by barely speaking to each other courtesy of work and demanding young children. P.S. You may notice these are being written between 3:30 and 4:00 am.
- On a related note: At least we did nothing where another child could result in another child being added.
- Heather and the kids are headed to Canada next week. So the kids are going to get a large dose of grandparents.
- On a related note: Hopefully Erik's confusion that he has a new cousin named Thomas will be cleared up. He thinks he has a tank engine for a family member.

This week’s statements:
1. If I don’t sleep then I get short in my patience.
2. I wish I could live on an island in the South Pacific but then again I may occasionally miss my children.
3. Suffering fools is challenging for me.
4. I would say I am “computer literate” because I have learned to use it as an effective tool over the years.