Sunday, March 17, 2013

Monday Listicles

Fist up, Stasha's Listicles.  The topic this week is:

10 Ways My Partner's Awesome

10.  Heather occasionally let's me...

9.    She doesn't mind TMI...

8.    Speaking of TMI she has this weird thing she likes...

7.    She doesn't drive and talk on the cell phone when I am in the car with her.

6.    She doesn't leave her romance novels all over the house anymore (mostly because she reads them on iPad now).

5.    Heather did clean once - long ago in a galaxy far, far away.  That said, she is true to her blog saying - 'She is indeed a never stay at home mom.'  Domestic, she is not.

4.    She has reduced the amount of reviews she does because I hated how much 'ummmm product' was cluttering up my house.

3.    Heather is willing to put up with my quirkiness.  Though she does not think I am funny... 

2.    Heather is a good mom.  

1.    Heather is the emotional side I lack - a ying to my yang.  

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