Sunday, March 10, 2013

A Birthday-Monday Meme-apolooza Puh-shah

I normally ignore my birthday but this year with my parents visiting and the kids - I will have a hard time doing I might as well go all in with a Birthday Meme-a-palooza.  Let's get it started with...

Monday Quiz About Me - hosted by Acting Balanced and Touristic

Here are FOUR QUESTIONS that everyone can answer and then you have the option to add a fifth question of your own for those who are visiting your blog to answer in the comment section, along with commenting on the four standard questions you answered! Grab the badge for your post if you like:

Our Questions:

1. When would you consider planting flowers or vegetables at your residence?
2. What is more egregious; cheating on one's spouse or spending the family into being bankruptcy?
3. In honor of Pi Day this week, what is your favorite kind of pie?
4. Would would you give Wayne @ Touristic for his birthday today?

My Answers:

1. When would you consider planting flowers or vegetables at your residence?

I will plant mine at the end of March...I am hoping to get a late spring harvest of strawberries and tomatoes.

2. What is more egregious; cheating on one's spouse or spending the family into being bankruptcy?

I would go with the bankruptcy.  That has an affect on everyone in the family for years. 

3. In honor of Pi Day this week, what is your favorite kind of pie?

4. Would would you give Wayne @ Touristic for his birthday today?

A trip to the South Pacific!

And here is my 5th question

What charity do you most like to support?

Now please link up your posts here:

Reading Challenge Addict
Now it is time for Music Monday...

This week's theme is from the Man-Cave

Music that tells a story of your life

My sister used to sing this to me to help me sleep...perhaps this explains a lot about me....

Thanks to Stasha for hosting listicles...the real topic for this week is ten great smells but since it is my birthday and I am going off scripts and stating...
My Five Birthday Wishes - That Have No Chance of Happening
5. I have a 14 year old girl, a six year old and two year old boy.  So I am asking for 24 hours where no one cries in the household...(and that includes me).
4.  An eight hour night of uninterrupted sleep.
3.  The photocopier at work to actually function correctly for a week.  
2.  A week on a South Pacific Island featuring me swinging on a hammock by the lagoon.  
1. A house cleaning service - though Heather would then feel the need to clean before the cleaner came (even though she does not clean now).


  1. Lol!! I know someone that cleans before the cleaner. Lol. Sounds like a waste of money. Happy Birthday! I would donate to Pancreatic cancer research.


    I have a personal respect for Salvation Army after interacting with them while in Scotland. A very humble group who genuinely seem to love helping others in any way possible.

  3. If you figure out how to obtain any of those items, let me know. Happy birthday!

  4. Happy birthday Wayne! Hope you get your wish!

    I support Operation Christmas Child. They make it possible to give Christmas gifts to impoverished children around the world, and help poor families with basic necessities like housing and clean water.

  5. First of all Happy Birthday! Swinging on a hammock sounds like a very good idea! Being sung Led Zepplin to that is funny!

    Missed ya on Saturday.

    Have a good week.

  6. Happy birthday--#5 is pretty funny, well at least for the rest of us! I would love a housecleaning service, too (as we are scrambling to clean our house for my mother-in-law's and sister-in-law's impending visit this week, but I would rather spend our $ on something that we are not as qualified to do, such as home improvement. Unfortunately, neither of us are very cleaning oriented, but at least we know how to do it.

  7. And not sure if I agree with your answer to #2...I have a friend whose husband spent them into bankruptcy (he had undiagnosed bipolar disease) and a sister-in-law whose husband had an affair. The marriage with the infidelity was much more damaged.

  8. Awww It's my birthday this week too xxx Have a great day (birthday wise) and Happy Music Monday to you x

  9. I give to the Kidney Foundation because I worked in pediatric nephrology for 17+ years and they always donated to us so I donate to them.

  10. I have to get my first thought out of my head because you mentioned both pie and South Pacific, so naturally, all I can think of now is Coconut Creme Pie.
    I haven't done my 4M post because I couldn't think of A song that told the story of my life. is that sad, or is it that my life has simply been THAT full? IDK. Can I still your song? that's a great song.

    My house barely goes 24 minutes without someone, um good luck with that. I'll light a candle and make a wish for you. Consider it you're birthday gift since a trip is out of my budget.
    Happy Birthday Wayne! hope it's a good one, if not exactly a wish come true one.

  11. Happy Birthday Wayne! Hope you have a great day!

  12. I've supported mostly animal charities.

    Happy birthday!

  13. Happy Birthday!

    I support the Royal Children's Hospital, in Melbourne, Australia. They have a telethon every year on Good Friday.

  14. I was definitely cracking up having no one in the household cry for 24 hours (including yourself) - lo1!

    Wishing you a happy birthday!

  15. Happy Belated Birthday!

    And those are interesting questions.

    #2. I would think both are so damaging. But yes the bankruptcy does leave a longer imprint...

    Thanks for sharing!

  16. Happy belated birthday!
    1. When would you consider planting flowers or vegetables at your residence? Whem I move out of an apartment!

    2. What is more egregious; cheating on one's spouse or spending the family into being bankruptcy? Spending them into bankruptcy! You can divorce your spouse--those banks etc NEVER go away

    3. In honor of Pi Day this week, what is your favorite kind of pie? PUMPKIN

    4. Would would you give Wayne @ Touristic for his birthday today? A BIG Hug

  17. Happy Birthday
    Those answers were interesting - do you not feel that cheating will have a long last effect on the whole family too?
