Thanks to Mrs. 4444's for hosting Friday Fragments...
- The USA election was exciting no? I mean, we get to vote on which multi-millionaires and their friends will be in power to exploit the masses.
- On a related note: My cynicism covers all politicians of all types. I do not discriminate based on party affiliation...I believe they are all equally corrupt.
- I don't know what to write this week. I am feeling grumpy tonight. It is my time of the month - you know bill paying time. It always gets me perturbed.
- On a related note: I am broke and it sucks!
- Tonight I am going to the first official C of C mens basketball games of the year. It should be fun.
- On a related note: We are going to see SkyFall after the game. I hope I can stay awake that late. I am used to being in bed by 9:00 pm.
- Liam is learning how to write. The funny part is that he has neater printing than the 14 year old. Also, he has a pretty good memory for spelling. Perhaps we have a future spelling bee champion in our house.
- On a related note: Erik is learning to talk more. He is also starting to form little sentences. I think we are going to be in even more trouble really soon...He is going to be a chatter.
- Robyn announced to me that she now wants to go into pre-med...
- On a related note: Med school? Please let me win the lottery. She is going to be one expensive child.
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