The question is how do I get away? In addition to my work problem, we also live in the number one vacation spot in the USA (according to Conde Naste). There are very few times when I can not find what I want here as a result. We have a ton of choices of beaches, restaurants and festivals. We have beautiful landscape as well as a historic downtown that is simply gorgeous. Heck, in the AM I am two minutes from watching the sun rise over the ocean and at night I get to see it set over a fabulous marsh. I have all kinds of wild life that people pay big money to see within steps of my house. Further, the customer service levels in this city are so good that I am often disappointed when I do travel in the service I do receive. I am indeed spoiled.
The last component is that I have three kids. Traveling with a sullen teenager, a five year old child with Autism and a nearly two year old bundle of energy is not fun in the least. Someone is always crying (and it is usually me). As a single income family, we do not have a lot of cash. When we travel, it costs of six meals at restaurants, a suite room (if we do not want dead children on our hands) and stops at places that involve staff in costumes (cringe). I can not in good conscious classify that as fun. Now, if one of you wants to volunteer to give my wife and I a weekend getaway, we might be onto something, but as reality currently stands I will enjoy a Stay-cation thank you very much.
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