Thanks to Stasha and Cassie for hosting Monday Listicles. This week's topic is top ten songs... Except they did not say what type of top ten it should be. So I am going to do a Top 10 Songs That Once Their into Your Head They Are Painful.
Top 10 Songs That Once Their Into Your Head They Are Painful.
10. Mr. McFarlane don't worry, this song still makes me kind of happy
9. It is okay Snow, I won't do any informing...
8. Why must you be played at every wedding?
7. I wish someone would let you out...
6. Like the song above...if Disney makes a kids version of you - you are probably making this list.
5. I do like big butts and I can not lie...
4. It is Mmmmm Monday over at Heather's blog (www.actingbalanced.com) - that should get me some brownie points right (or perhaps even some real brownies which would even be better)
3. Staying on the Mmmmm theme...(although this should be number one on this list)
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