Thanks to Mrs. 4444's for hosting Friday Fragments...
- Tomorrow is Liam's sixth birthday - hard to believe he is already a kindergarten-er.
- On a related note: His birthday will feature construction theme. It should be interesting party with his school friends and some longer term playmates coming.
- Heather is attending a blogger conference today with some Disney folks. She is excited because she is meeting several other bloggers. Really, it looks like a gigantic Mommies Night Out Plus as I notice I was not invited.
- On a related note: Hope the content isn't Mickey Mouse - not that I am jealous or anything.
- It has been great having my parents here this week. We have got a lot done around the house including a smack load of painting.
- On a related note: Thanks to them for coming down for a work-cation.
- Erik is a bundle of energy. I get tired just watching him. I am however currently fighting to keep him awake. He wants to have a dinner nap and I actually want him to sleep tonight. We will see who wins this war of wills.
- He is almost two and thinks he is 20.
- Took this picture the other day; is this trying to tell me something?
- On a related note: I would try to find religion but I didn't know it was lost.
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