Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Wordless Wednesday

And one more of my favorite dress of the weekend...

Now the scary part, Weigh-in Wednesday 

Last Week
This Week 

So I am down 1.5 lbs.  Not a bad start to getting towards my 200 lbs goal by Christmas.


  1. Woohoo! Every ounce counts, Wayne - you're doing very well! And thanks for dropping by Erika's Wordless Wednesday, have a great week!

  2. That takes guts!! I won't even get on the scale along.
    Good luck with your weight loss.

    Have a great Wednesday!

  3. the picture of you and Robyn at the fashion show was wonderful. i would comment on your weight but everyone else has

  4. Great pictures! Also well done with the weight loss.. I lost around 2 and a half stones a few years back through dieting, blogging about it helps, you'll get encouragement from others which will keep you going!
