My name is Wayne W. Smith and this blog contains my musings related to higher education, tourism and anything else that comes to mind. I invite you to scroll down and laugh where appropriate, cry when necessary but always remember to consider the source.
Saturday, March 31, 2012
Friday, March 30, 2012
He Said/She Said Saturday
This is a new meme - the idea of this is to ask your significant other's opinion on the question of the week and link up both of your opinions the following week!
Each Saturday both Heather and I post the following week's question and our own answers (with mine being the correct one of course) on both of our blogs - we'll also open up a linky so that you can add your own posts! If you and your spouse both blog you can put up your answers on each blog, or if you are the only prolific writer in your family you can ask your SO their opinion and write their answer down for them (word for word of course). You are also welcome to hook up a He Said/He Said or a She Said/She Said - whatever works for you!
The questions to discuss this week are:
If there was a movie made about your relationship what would it be called, who would play you and your SO and what would the plot twist be?
Next week's questions:
What is your ideal date night? What do you think your spouse will say?
Here's my answer to this week's question:
He Said:
First, let me say; What kind of question is this? Is Heather trying to intentionally bait
me? Is there a way to answer this
question in a way that doesn’t get me in trouble? All righty then… as they say, “the show must
go on” even though she may “break a leg” afterwards.
Movie Title: The
Eight Fold Life – Love on the Path to Nirvana
Synopsis: A couple
competing on the Amazing Race must learn to balance their strengths and
weaknesses in order to win. Will they discover
that while they are different, when they combine their strengths, they make a
great team not only in the game but in love.
BTW – I got the synopsis from the back of one of Heather’s romance
novels – I just added the Amazing Race part. Who knew? One of these books may reflect reality
Stars: Tim Robbins & Christina Hendricks
To read what SHE SAID, click on this link to visit Heather's Blog
If your SO doesn't blog, you are welcome to post both of your answers in the same post ... or just posting your side of the story is fine too... please link it up here:
Friday Fragments
Once again thanks to Mrs. 4444's for setting up this fragged up world...
- What a week is has been. I look at my desk and it can only be described as a disaster area. Too bad I do not qualify for disaster relief.
- On a related note I look forward to meeting with high school students tomorrow and discussing why hospitality could be a good career choice. I just wish it wasn't for the second Saturday in a row and it didn't mean that I was working a 18 day in a row stretch. There needs to be some rest for the wicked.
- The Cooper River Bridge Run is tomorrow. It is a great event with some amazing visuals with thousands of people running over a gorgeous bridge. BTW, the Summerville Flowertown Festival is also this weekend.
Photo from http://www.bridgerun.com/galleries.php?gallery_id=4 |
- On a related note, this is one hopping city. From the last week of February we have had in succession the South Eastern Wildlife Expo, Food + Wine Festival, Fashion Week and still to come is the Family Circle Cup and the Historic Home Tours. The spring is the thing here in Chuck Town.
- Congrats to my daughter Robyn for being part of the winning math competition team yesterday. She won an iPod2 for her part.
- On a related note, I am sorry I missed her soccer games the last Saturday and will again tomorrow as I have been working. I feel like a bad dad on this one.
- Thanks to Heather for holding down the fort the last two weeks (and for the next two). It has been crazy for our entire household and with Erik trying to become a vampire and living the nightlife, it has even been worse.
- On a related note I am T minus four weeks to my sabbatical beginning. Not that I am counting down or anything. Only six classes left in term (three weeks).
- Check out Heather and I 's He Said/ She Said meme going up later tonight (Friday). This weeks question is who would play each other in a movie about our lives. This means I could once again set myself up for divorce very easily.
- On a related note, if anyone wants to provide a safe suggestion as to who should play Heather. My movie choices usually involve cartoon characters and/or war scenes. I can not name 10 current Hollywood starlets.
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Wordless Wednesday
And one more of my favorite dress of the weekend...
Last Week |
![]() |
This Week |
So I am down 1.5 lbs. Not a bad start to getting towards my 200 lbs goal by Christmas.
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
You Tubing Tuesday - Fun Compilation Songs
A set of three compilations a little different than my normal musical choices but we all have to stretch sometimes.
Sunday, March 25, 2012
Meet me on Monday...v6
1. What movie or movies do you have to watch when they are on TV? (submitted by@rndmcrftyGAgrl)
How about a pair of Tim Robbins Movies - Shawshank vs. Bull Durham (I just can not choose)
2. When you have out of town visitors, what fun places do you take them to in your town? (Or where do you play tourist in your own town?)
So many places in Charleston...downtown and the market, the plantations, the beach, etc.. Charleston was recently named the best tourist destination in the USA for a reason.
I will however, vote for my favorite moment everyday. The sunrise view crossing the bridge into the city.
3. What was the first album, CD, Download you ever bought?
My memory is usually the best but this is a no brainer. My first album (and it was vinyl) was one of the best of all time - Pink Floyd - The Wall. I still have the entire score memorized.
4. Do you speak more than one language and which ones? If not, what language would you like to know?
I can speak some brutal French. One of my sabbatical goals is to pass the French proficiency test and gain my Global Scholars designation.
5. What is your dream job?
I have my dream job. I love being a professor and being part of encouraging the next generation while also creating knowledge with my research and helping my community through my service. My job is so much more than a way to make a living, it is a passion. I look forward to going to work because for me, it is a joy (80% of the time at least).
I have my dream job. I love being a professor and being part of encouraging the next generation while also creating knowledge with my research and helping my community through my service. My job is so much more than a way to make a living, it is a passion. I look forward to going to work because for me, it is a joy (80% of the time at least).
Saturday, March 24, 2012
Sundays in my City - Charleston Fashion Week
Since I am doing the satisfaction surveys for the Charleston Fashion week, I was able to get some complimentary tickets... on Wednesday, Robyn and I went to one of the evening shows and yesterday, a friend of mine and I checked out the Bridal fashion show, so I thought I'd show off some of what we saw. These pictures were taken by my good friend Henry Xie:
Thanks once again to Unknown Mami for hosting Sundays in My City - click on the link below to check out all the other great participating blogs:

Thanks once again to Unknown Mami for hosting Sundays in My City - click on the link below to check out all the other great participating blogs:

Friday, March 23, 2012
He Said/She Said Saturday v.4
Hi all,
This is a meme that my wife Heather (www.actingbalanced.com) and I started. The rules of the meme are simple. You ask your partner the question of the week and write down their answers as close to word for word as possible. Then you get to add your version. Fun is had by all...
Next Week's Question is:
If there was a movie made about your relationship what would it be called, who would play you and your SO and what would the plot twist be?
This week's He Said/ She Said question was:
Do you and your spouse budget plan? Is one of you the spender? The saver?
If your SO doesn't blog, you are welcome to post both of your answers in the same post ... or just posting your side of the story is fine too... please link it up here:
This is a meme that my wife Heather (www.actingbalanced.com) and I started. The rules of the meme are simple. You ask your partner the question of the week and write down their answers as close to word for word as possible. Then you get to add your version. Fun is had by all...
Next Week's Question is:
If there was a movie made about your relationship what would it be called, who would play you and your SO and what would the plot twist be?
This week's He Said/ She Said question was:
Do you and your spouse budget plan? Is one of you the spender? The saver?
He Said -
Wow, this is a question that could get me owing Heather a lot of money via a divorce.
Heather takes care of the bills, bank accounts and other finances around the house. This is mostly because if I was in change we would always be fighting. If I were in charge, we would have a house full of pie charts and bar graphs outlining spending per person per category. It would probably not make for a pleasant household environment. Heather on the other hand is more ummmm... She is more willing to spend. She does most of the everyday spending and is the keeper of the day-to-day purse strings. She does not like me to look at the finances because I get 'carried away' with it according to her. She tells me, "my role is to make money and hers is to spend it." I guess this is cheaper than divorce.
For Heather's version, click hereHeather takes care of the bills, bank accounts and other finances around the house. This is mostly because if I was in change we would always be fighting. If I were in charge, we would have a house full of pie charts and bar graphs outlining spending per person per category. It would probably not make for a pleasant household environment. Heather on the other hand is more ummmm... She is more willing to spend. She does most of the everyday spending and is the keeper of the day-to-day purse strings. She does not like me to look at the finances because I get 'carried away' with it according to her. She tells me, "my role is to make money and hers is to spend it." I guess this is cheaper than divorce.
If your SO doesn't blog, you are welcome to post both of your answers in the same post ... or just posting your side of the story is fine too... please link it up here:
Friday Fragments
Once again, thanks to Ms. 4444's hot hosting Friday Fragments.
Last week was such an exciting week with so many great moments, I thought this one would be a let down. Once again, I am proven wrong.
On Tuesday our department hosted our annual, Cheers to the Future Event. We had 80 students and about 40 industry partners come to Lowndes Grove Plantation for a meet & greet function. Last year, I personally know of 12 students who either got a job or internship as a result of the event. Here's hoping this year it is even better.
- On a related note, can someone please invent a time stopper for me? Just give me one eight hour block to try and catch up while the rest of the world stops.
- One a related note - see the picture below - just wow! People stood on the deck mingling as the set set over the Ashley River. What a venue.
- The next night, was Robyn & I went to Charleston Fashion Week. I was kind of dreading going but Robyn really wanted to see it and I wanted to spend time with her - so a compromise was met.
- On a related note: it was really fun. If you want to see more, come back to see my Sundays in the City post this week hosted by the mos talented, blogger extraordinaire Unknown Mami.
- On another related note: Apparently fashion and I ware not well acquainted.
- While I was out at five star plantations and attending fashion shows, Heather has carried a heavy parenting load.
- On a related note: I am sure she will have a very interesting side of he said/she said this week. Stop by later tonight to see what she says. I am afraid.
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Wordless Wednesday & Not So Wordless Weighty Wednesday
First the beautiful - pictures from Liam's & I early Sunday walk...
Now the ugly. One of my goals is to lose weight but I have been relatively unsuccessful at it. As such, I am going to try a new methodology. Out of my bag of truly stupid ideas, I am going to post a picture of the scale each week. I figure public embarrassment may be a good motivator. The target weight is 200 Lbs. Less see if I can embarrass my way to weight loss.
Come back next week and I will put the two scale pictures side by side.
Now the ugly. One of my goals is to lose weight but I have been relatively unsuccessful at it. As such, I am going to try a new methodology. Out of my bag of truly stupid ideas, I am going to post a picture of the scale each week. I figure public embarrassment may be a good motivator. The target weight is 200 Lbs. Less see if I can embarrass my way to weight loss.
Come back next week and I will put the two scale pictures side by side.
P.S. No cracks about me needing a pedicure!
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
YouTube Tuesday - Spring Edition
Spring is all around us here in the sunny south. The temperature is perfect, the flowers are blooming and allergies are hitting me hard...
I can mostly tell spring has sprung by the actions of the students. Class attendance can be down a little at times. Perhaps this may have something to do with this guy's attitude...
Then again,
Monday, March 19, 2012
Meet me on Monday...v5
1. How do you like your eggs?
2. Who is the last person you spoke to on the phone?
My daughter asking for more time to hang out with her friends which is a whole story all unto itself.
3. Do you have a place you keep 'junk' in your home?
Yes, it is called the house. With three kids and a wife-y blogger who likes to product test, there is no where in our house that is safe.
4. What is on your 'spring cleaning' list?
See answer #3. My sabbatical is going to be cleaning the house. Oh joy.
5. What blog post have you written recently that you'd like more people to know about? (don't forget to link it up)
I think Heather's and I He Said/She Said Meme is cute. This week I told the real story of our first date here while she told her version of the story here. As usual, we seem to have different 'rememberings' of certain events.
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